Thursday 6 January 2022

2020 Too (2022)

It's 2022. Time really flew by. 

Other than COVID-19, I have little to no recollection of anything memorable in 2020.

Then 2021 came, gave me a huge middle finger, and left.

This year, I hope that every one is little kinder. 

Life is short - so let's make this world a more sustainable place to survive, and for the lucky ones, thrive.

Saturday 23 January 2021

January 2021

I honestly do not know why,
what is happening to me now,
is happening.

All I can hope for, 
is that everything will be okay.


Tuesday 31 December 2019

Pull your ear

In 2020, and every year thereafter,

I will 
fight for my dreams, relentlessly; and
protect my loved ones, fiercely.

I will 
live life with unwavering faith,
and no regrets.


May the good, the kind and the generous 
always prevail.

Sunday 2 June 2019

We accept the love we think we deserve

I just turned 29 yesterday.
A year older, but none the wiser.


Adulting is so damn difficult.
Family. Friends. Colleagues. Relationships. Work. Finances. Health. Pastimes. Sleep.
Just to name a few; in no particular order. 
Except for family - you need to always choose family.


You can't have it all, so you sacrifice some for the others.  
Like a gamble that doesn't always pay off.
And when the stakes are highest, 
I seem to always make the dumbest choices.


We accept the love we think we deserve; 
and except the ones we think otherwise.


Monday 31 December 2018

Thank you, next.

Dear 2018,

Whilst you were not the kindest to me, I am thankful for simply having made it through the year, alive.


Thank you, inter alia,
for keeping me and my loved ones safe and sound;
for showing me my flaws and imperfections when it comes to affairs of the heart;
for giving me the courage to leave my safe harbour which I came to know as my home away from home, and which I am indebted to;
for letting me be a part of the actual National Day Parade, for the first time in my life and with a bird's eye view no less (I love you, Singapore); and 
for tirelessly reminding me that life is short, and to be kind, always. 


Thank you also, 
for the new friendships forged, 
and the lost ones rekindled.


You were not perfect, no.  But nothing in life is.

So as with most things in life,
you learn, and move on.


To 2019, 
please have me at hello.

Yours sincerely,